zondag 10 oktober 2010

Renewed crisis? Taxes please!

The IMF managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Since the financial crisis has calmed down, banks got bot back up on their feet and are now risking a return to business as usual. Dominique Strauss-Kahn of the IMF  realises that new taxes for financial institutions are needed to temper the risk for a financial meltdown. Several ideas have been passing the drawing board, a tax on profits and remuneration would be a reasonable solution and could raise up to £22bn across the EU region, rather than a financial activities tax which would only work if applied globally. The job has to be done right, unforseen fouls in the financial tax system could lead to speculation and it would be as sowing the seeds for the next episode of excessive risktaking. Guardian

Daan Mertens

1 opmerking:

  1. bot?
    risk of
    drop 'as' before 'sowing'
    some stces are too long, need to be chopped up
    L 2, F 1, C 1
